Saturday, December 09, 2006

Action Poker Network Returns to U.S. Market

The sale of Action Poker Network to Playsafe Holdings a couple of weeks ago can now be seen as a move designed to permit the reentry of the network into the U.S. market. In a release dated today (December 9, 2006), the network announced its return, effective immediately.

APN, whose member sites include Action Poker, Tiger Gaming, Superior Poker, Island Poker and others, has announced a return signup bonus of 100% up to $2,500 on at least the two sites directed associated with the network itself, Action Poker and Tiger Gaming. It's unknown as to whether that signup bonus will extend to all member network sites, or whether all sites in the network will allow U.S. players. Nonethless, the network itself will. This blogger also recommends reading the fine print on that one, as overlarge signup/deposit bonuses do tend to rather difficult to clear.

Also included are a couple of special promotions for U.S. players, including qualifiers to a giveaway called the "$30,000 Poker Experience," which centers on a seat giveaway to the $25,000 Five Star World Classic in April 2007 at the Bellagio.

Yes, the list of sites where U.S. players are allowed is in need of another major update, and that'll be coming along next week. There's also the matter of that ever-pending merger between Absolute and Ultimate Bet, that reallytrulyforsureyoubet is gonna happen sometime soon.

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