Thursday, September 28, 2006

SUBJ: Closure of Your William Hill Account

And another one bites the dust.

This time it's William Hill Poker, one of the largest skins on the Cryptologic Network, which has decided to bid a tearful adieu to U.S. customers. As excerpted from an e-mail:

"William Hill plc has taken a decision to withdraw our online casino and poker services from all existing US clients and will refrain from offering them to US residents in the foreseeable future.

"We regret to inform you that we have therefore suspended your account and you will not be able to access our casino or poker room in the future. You should also note that we do not take sports bets from US residents."

In other words, they feel the heat. The ridiculous extradition agreement that the United Kingdom has with the U.S. is causing severe hesitancy among UK-listed online poker sites to continue to do business with the U.S.

I expect others to follow, which will fall into two categories: those sites which are incorporated in the UK, and are therefore subject to our country's overzealous reach, and those who just don't do much business with U.S. customers to begin with. The poker sites who'll be left to continue the fight will also fall into two categories: those who are are already big and have sizeable U.S. based customer bases, this being Stars, Party and the like, and those companies housed in non-UK nations who rightfully need to tell the U.S. (at least on this matter) to K.M.A. on an international scale.

A greater schism awaits. When logic doesn't work, try manipulation. If manipulation doesn't work, go for brute fear. Now whose government's illicit strategies could this possibly refer to?

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