Sunday, June 25, 2006

It Takes a Stretch to Connect it to Poker...

... but it's hilarious nonetheless. To tie it to poker, let's just say that this is someone I might not be able to out-bluff.

Frankly, I laughed so hard I almost --- well, we won't go there. But click on this link, let the video load, and enjoy.

The link is rated TGFCE --- Too Gross For Corporate Environment. At least if your boss or a corporate-snitch type is near.


The Bracelet said...

Yeah, that guy certainly will not be tossing his bottom pair weak kicker.

What a trooper though, finishing after he had to stop to puke. I am hoping to have that level of commitment during the blogger weekend coming up in Vegas.

You going?

Haley said...

I'd love to make it for the blogger festivities but I haven't figured out a way to pull it off yet. Still hoping, though.