Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Latest "ZeeJustin" Sightings

It didn't take long for the poker hounds of the web to discover that caught-and-confessed online cheater "ZeeJustin" (Justin Bonomo) had resurfaced, filing a longish post on his own web site, then crossposting it over to the discussion forums at 2+2. This blog touched on the twinned ZeeJustin and JJProdigy scandals some time back, so rest easy --- you're not in for a boring re-hash.

Rather, take a few minutes to read ZeeJustin's take on the situation, given the few weeks he's had to step back and think it through. There'd been some wondering as to what Bonomo was up to in this "gone to ground" period, and this post provides some of the answers. Bonomo also added a few replies to the earliest comments and questions made to his crossposting in the 2+2 groups.

Whaddya think? This blogger says better, but not great --- the kid's had a harsh lesson in growing up but the blinders are still at least partially in place. Sites such as Party have to maintain a "zero tolerance" policy toward cheaters --- confiscating all funds in the cheater's account(s), just not those directly traced to the cheating efforts --- to deter others from doing the same thing. If there's no penalty for the behavior, there's no risk.

So it's hard on Young Mister Bonomo that he's out six figures or more, but it just has to be that way... for the integrity of the game itself. This is said with no overt fondness toward Party Poker, nor animosity towards Bonomo. The problem is that Bonomo has rationalized his behavior in a manner similar to a shoplifter who believes that his thefts don't really cost anyone anything, since the insurance company pays for the loss. By dehumanizing or corporate-izing Party and other sites as faceless and unfair entities, Bonomo can then justify his unethical behaviors --- a case of getting Big Brother before Big Brother gets you.

I don't buy it. It's a better spin, but spin nonetheless.

Bonomo suggests that, despite his current hiatus, in the end it just won't matter. Because there's other online sites he can play. Because he wants to move to "live" games instead.

And in saying that, he shows that he still doesn't get it.

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