The case between Clonie Gowen and Full Tilt Poker has been officially dismissed. If you're just joining the poker world (where have you been?!), let's get you up to speed.
Former Full Tilt player and sexy promoter Gowen said she was promised 1% of the company a few years back. That little slice of the pie was estimated at $40 million.
Of course, the promise wasn't written down. Because, y'know... getting it in writing would be silly, right? Full Tilt predictably said, "Clonie who?" and they were off to the races.
We imagine a few phone calls, screaming matches, and insults about the respective parties' mothers ensued. Finally, a lawsuit was filed by Gowen against Full Tilt Poker, its sister companies, a bunch of people including Phil Ivey (hey, leave our guy alone!). Full Tilt filed a motion to dismiss it.
And that brings us to today. The case has been dismissed, but it's still alive in a smaller form. Gowen's still going after Tiltware and a couple of the principles, including poker pro Howard Lederer.
The EPT Grabs The Spotlight
The European Poker Tour has taken center stage, knocking the WPT off the 2nd place block to line up behind the juggernaut WSOP. We're mentioning this for two reasons. First, it's our job to keep you informed about the poker circuit. Second, it's another opportunity to mention lovely Vanessa Rousso...

Whoa. Uhhh... where were we? Oh yeah...
Rousso nudged out Randy Dorfman (who is not nearly as lovely) this past weekend to become the EPT High Roller Champion. She walked away with the €720,000 top prize for that event.
Our congrats to Rousso.
Hansen Continues His Surge
Last week, we mentioned that Gus Hansen is a hard guy to track on the tables. The way he wins and loses truckloads of money, his bank must think he launders cash through his account.

True to form, he turned in a $3 million bump for the last week in April. You can see some of the hand details here. We'll say one thing for the guy... he ain't boring.
Another week, another wrap. To recap...
- Clonie Gowen must be bummed these days. Of course, the Full Tilt folks must be pretty jazzed.
- When Vanessa Rousso isn't curing poverty, she's kicking ass at the EPT (and making it look easy).
- Gus Hansen continues to show us that he has a pair (figuratively speaking, thank goodness).
As always, bringing you the poker news that's fit to print.
See you next week...
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