Saturday, October 14, 2006

Another Brief Non-Commercial Interlude

Things a bit hectic in the online poker world these days? True that. There are simply too many things goimg on right now to keep track of properly, from the UIGEA to its fallout, from companies leaving the U.S. to others being sold or restructered and others staying outright, to Harrah's power play concerning the WSOP, to lots of other things happening right now.

That said, there are only so many things that we can squeeze in here, and I feel that staying on top of the list is of worth that I'll keep re-posting it as developments unfold. But we still need a couple of "other" stories, and so this week's non-UIGEA offerings will wrap up with a double-shot of pieces centering Ultimate Bet, one of the companies that is hanging around for us poor Amerikans.

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